Friday, November 7, 2008

Storms of life

When it rains it pours. Whatever happened to the light drizzle or the warm summer mists. It seems as of late that the floodgates have been opened. We can no longer keep the storms at a safe distance. Keeping them away from our homemade boundaries of safety. When it rains it pours. We sit back and wonder where the sun is, because we can only see the darkness. We know in our hearts that the hope of reprieve is over the next horizon. As we push through we wonder, "will we ever get through the storm and see the light we have always hoped would be there?"

We all go through hard times. We all go through our valleys where death seems to have power over us. Deep down we know that the storms cannot last forever. We know that death cannot stop us. We know that if we persevere we will see the light of a new day. We know that if we will just keep our eyes off the storm, even for one moment, we will see Him holding out His hand ready to save us.

Life is funny at times. It has its up and its downs. It sometimes is sweet and kind, but often cruel. When trouble hits, it hits hard. When one bit of trouble comes more is guaranteed to follow. When it rains it pours.

But God!

Two words. Very simple. Very ordinary. When put together create something deep and powerful. It says that no matter what we go through. No matter how much pain we have. No matter how much trouble life brings us. God has a plan, and a promise never to leave us nor forsake us.

But God!

He has had a plan for you and me since the beginning. His word tells us of the extravagant grace he has extended to us. His word tells us of the promises he has made to us. He has given us authority to overcome. Joy to persevere. Troubles to grow us. Pain to push us. A destiny to call us too. A plan to prosper. A future and a Hope.

Our lives are written on the canvas of heaven and played on the battlefield of earth. Too often we let our situation determine our perspective. Our perspective will determine our situation.

Storms will come in our lives, But God! Darkness will try to find a way in, But God! People will hurt us, But God! We will not find the money to pay for our needs, But God! Two deaths, a kidnapping, and a legal battle in less than three weeks, But God! Cannot find a job, But God! Called to leave the things you desperately love, like the ministry you help to create, But God! Desperate because the storms of life are raging, But God!

Next time when life gets you down. When the rain is more than a drizzle. When faith seems not to be enough. When church hurts you more than helps you. Remember that God has a plan. That God was not caught off-guard by our current situations.

When it rains it pours, But God.... calmed the storms for the disciples, can you believe he will do the same for you?

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